Bilko lesson showing how to explore Temperature and Salinity fields produced by the UK Met Office model FOAM
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Ocean Forecasting

Exploring output from the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF)
Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM)

Author: Craig Donlon, Met-Office, UK.

This Bilko lesson is designed to explore in a simple manner the Temperature and Salinity output generated by the operational Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) operated by the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF) at the Met Office, United Kingdom. See for more information.

The lesson begins by placing the use of ocean model outputs into context by looking at the sea surface temperature (SST) structures measured in the NW African upwelling region by a satellite microwave radiometer system. These data are limited by coarse resolution but, due to cloud cover, provide the only satellite measurements of SST in the region. Part 2 of the lesson then turns to the application of ocean model data as a means to understand more about NW African upwelling temperature and salinity features.

Both types of data are useful; the satellite data providing verification of the ocean model signatures and the ocean model data providing a more detailed and complete estimate of the oceanographic features of the region. In this case, both are tools for the oceanographer to make valid decisions, especially when used in synergy.

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An image example from the lesson


Screenshot from the FOAM data assimilation lesson.


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