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Using Hovmöller plots to study propagating features

Authors: Val Byfield, Stewart Bernard and Christo Whittle

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Screenshot from the lessons showing one of the global images (top left), sets of images before and after gap-filling (top right), an anomaly image after subtraction of the seasonal cycle (bottom right) and Hovmöller plots for the anomaly time series, and the ordinary time series (bottom middle and right).

Hovmöller plots are used to investigate the propagation of planetary waves or eddies. The plots are created by plotting how pixels values along a transect (x-axis) change with time (y-axis). They are often used with anomaly data (data that show how individual images differ from the mean value of a time series).

This lesson shows how to use Bilko transects to create Hovmöller plots and anomaly images. By the end of these lessons you should be able to:

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Note: The image data for this lesson is almost 1GB in size.

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