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3.5 Six-channel SST retrieval |
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Constraints on SST retrieval Retrieval coefficients Computing SSTskin |
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The difference maps you created in the previous section form the basis of the atmospheric correction algorithms used to derive an estimate of the SSTskin temperature. In the final part of this lesson, you are going to use a linear combination of Tb data in both views to derive a six-channel SSTskin retrieval from AATSR Tb data. Constraints on SST retrievalThe operational SSTskin algorithms used by AATSR depend on available Tb data. For example:
In our case, we have all 6 Tb channels available for the majority of the image and so we will compute a 6 channel SSTskin retrieval. Ideally the AATSR SSTskin retrieval algorithm should be implemented on a pixel-by-pixel basis. In Bilko the easiest way to implement the algorithm is to calculate the SSTskin retrieval algorithm coefficients in advance, and format each of these as an image with identical dimensions to the AATSR GBTR data to be processed. We also have to ensure that the algorithm is applied only to cloud-free pixels. Retrieval coefficientsWe are going to implement the 6 channel SSTskin algorithm, which uses seven coefficients derived from radiative transfer modelling of the atmosphere. This approach is different from that adopted for most other sensors where satellite data are co-located in space and time an then used in a multiple-linear regression to derive suitable SSTskin algorithm coefficients. In the case of the 6 channel algorithm a single set of coefficients is applicable in all atmospheric regions due to the extra information provided by the forward view Tb data. We will first investigate the SST algorithm coefficients before applying these to AATSR Tb data and generate an SSTskin map of the Balearic and Algerian basin on the 27th July 2002. Activity: Open the Bilko image set AATSR_6ch_coefficients.set. This is a set of seven 32-bit floating point images, each corresponding to one of the seven retrieval coefficients. When the Redisplay dialog opens, change the stretch to Autolinear and click All to accept this stretch for all the images. The stack that opens has the image sst_coeff_d0.dat on top. This is an image of the Offset value used in the 6 channel SSTskin retrieval equation. Vertical stripes in the image correspond to the across track sections of the AATSR swath. Note how these bands become narrower towards the edges of the image. It is easier to visualise what this image represents by drawing a transect across the entire image making sure that the transect is horizontal:
The transect shows how the offset (red line) has a minimum value of 0.6977 at nadir and increases towards the edge of the swath with a maximum of 0.7215 at the edge (band 39). The coefficient is symmetrical about nadir, and each band is visible as small plateau of equal values, the width of which decreases away from nadir. Right-click on the transect and change the Scale back to Auto by checking the Minimum and Maximum check-boxes in the Scale dialog, and examine the across-track changes in the other coefficients. Note how some of these are negative, with an absolute value that increases towards the edges.
Question 1 In order to account for differences in viewing geometry, the AATSR swath is split up into sections across-track; 1 central sector at nadir and 38 sections each to the left and right. For each of these sections, a separate set of SSTskin algorithm coefficients is applied. For 2 and 4 channel SSTskin retrieval, the coefficients also have to account for the difference in atmospheric state associated with tropical, mid latitude and high latitude atmospheres. Using mean differences for these three zones, the coefficients are interpolated to the exact latitude of a given pixel. Note: The method described here is a refined version of the SSTskin retrieval algorithm originally used for ATSR-1 and ATSR-2. However, ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 data have now been re-processed using this method in order to obtain a consistent time series with AATSR. Computing SSTskinYou are now going to connect the AATSR Tb data together with the AATSR SSTskin algorithm coefficient maps and compute the SSTskin over our study area. Activity:
Question 2 The operational SSTskin algorithm used by the AATSR attempts to minimise the noise within an SST image by smoothing the atmospheric signal using a 3x3 kernel mean smoothing filter. The smoothed data are then added back onto the 11µm Tb data set to generate the final SST-skin image. We will implement this final step of the AATSR SSTskin retrieval process using Bilko tools. Finally, we will mask out cloud and land pixels to complete the SSTskin map.
Question 3
The images you have just created represent a smoothed measure of the atmospheric attenuation inherent in the AATSR TOA Tb11 data. You may need to adjust the display to view the image content - using a Linear Redisplay stretch with Min = -800 and Max = 800 works well. Activity:
Question 5 The final step in this lesson is to merge the two scenes into a masked AATSR SSTskin measurement map on a Lat/Lon projection.
This image is an example of the mixing of water masses in the Mediterranean Sea driven by the wind and the dominant currents of the region. During the day, thermal stratification builds up near the surface, particularly in areas with low wind speeds, such as the region NW of Mallorca. This is known as diurnal stratification, because it builds up due to solar heating during the day, and breaks down overnight. |
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Wind and currents both act to break down diurnal stratification by creating turbulence that brings cooler water to the surface. For this reason Structures such as current eddies are often particularly visible on calm, sunny days. Where fine filaments are present in this image, the structures you see may be due to overturning events that begin along lines of current shear and gradually destroy the diurnal stratification. The eddies and filaments you see in the Gulf of Lions are also typical of fronts - regions where watermasses with different temperature and salinity meet and mix. In such areas you will commonly find narrow filaments of colder and warmer water running almost parallel to each other - elongated in the direction of current flow. Question 6
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