3.4 Look-angle differences in Tb |
Differences between AATSR bands Spatial variation in channel differences |
Downloads: Images: ATS_TOA_1~ 20020727_~.N1 Description |
Before continuing with this section, close all open windows except ATS_TOA_1COLRA20020727_211258_~.N1. (You can do this by selecting Close All Except from the Windows menu). We are now going to investigate the differences between the nadir and forward view image data sets derived from the AATSR. Activity:
Differences between AATSR channelsYou will see how the brightness temperature, Tb, changes from band to band. You may also notice the smoother texture of the AATSR forward view images; this is due to the larger FoV inherent when viewing the sea surface at angle of 55° from nadir. These larger pixels from the forward FoV have been re-mapped into a 1km GBTR array that matches that of the nadir data. If you take a transect vertically across a feature such as the large eddy in the Gulf of Lions, you can see the differences between the bands more clearly.
If you want to examine the Tb values at a particular point along the transect, place the cursor in that position and [TAB] through. The vertical line representing the cursor will change colour, telling you what band is currently displayed on the Status Bar. When studying the transect in this way, it may help you to be aware that red green and blue (RGB) are always the colours of the first 3 data sets (in this case the 3 nadir bands), and that these are followed by magenta, yellow and cyan (CMY) representing data sets 4, 5 and 6. Thus red and magenta represent the 1200 µm nadir and forward bands, green and yellow the 1100 µm bands, while blue and cyan represent the two 3.7 µm bands.) When you have finished, close the transect window and minimize the stack window to clear your Bilko for Windows workspace ready for the next part of the lesson. Spatial variation in channel differencesWe can investigate the spatial characteristics of the channel differences that form the basis of the multi-spectral and the multi-angle atmospheric correction strategies applied to Tb to retrieve a SSTskin measurement. We shall do this by using a Bilko formula document to compute the difference between the 11µm and 12µm channels both at nadir and in forward view where the effect of the atmosphere will be stronger. Activity:
Look at the nadir only difference image. A histogram ([CTRL+A] to select the image followed by [CTRL+N] > HISTOGRAM to create the histogram) will reveal a range of -90 to 400, with 99.7% of the pixels falling between -20 and +270 (i.e. -0.2 and 2.7 °K). Apply a suitable manual stretch to enhance the contrast; play with the position of the stretch nodes to reveal different features within this image. You also may find it helpful to compare this image to the btemp_nadir_1100 image when attempting to interpret these features. For example:
Now look at the btemp_nadir_1100 - btemp_fward_1200 difference image. This is quite different in character. A histogram reveals values ranging between -1100 and +1800, with 99.5% of the pixels in the range -300 to +700. Zooming in on the Spanish coastal area to the north of Mallorca reveals a clear stereoscopic effect due to the different viewing geometry in the nadir and forward views. This makes it possible to identify hilly regions on land and detect clouds at different heights above the sea surface. The stereoscopic effect is particularly apparent when looking at the two small clouds to the east of the Gulf of Lions where the nadir and forward views are separated in space. As before, you can zoom in and push the contrast stretch to reveal how the noise characteristics of the AATSR channels are drawn out.
Answers: |
Finally, if you have time, repeat the calculations of the difference maps for the other AATSR scene from the coast of Algeria. You will notice that the nadir-forward difference map brings out land features in Algeria particularly well. This map also brings out the wave-like structures in the far south-east of the image, which you identified earlier as probable atmospheric internal waves and possible cirrus cloud. |