Internal Waves I
References for Lesson 2
Images in this lesson: (Resizable pop-ups)
Bathymetric map of the Gulf of Cadiz study area
 Useful information: (Resizable pop-ups)
Solitons: Solitary internal waves
(Theory and equations)
Identification of internal wave trains and their direction of propagation
Inversion of polarity in SAR signatures of internal waves
In the second case study, from the Gulf of Cadiz off Spain, you will observe how internal waves reverse polarity as they travel from deep to shallow water.
The reasons for this fascinating behaviour are described in more detail in
'Inversion of polarity in SAR signatures of internal waves'.
Opening the ERS image as a flat file
The image you will be using is an ERS-2 SAR image dated 23 July 1998. This is not in a hierarchical format like the ASAR images you have just been studying,
so it must be opened as a binary flat file of 1000 x 1024 pixels in size.
Open the file P025_871.8x8 ( .8x8 is not a file extension recognized by Bilko,
so to see the file you need to select All files (*.*) as the file type.
The Open As flat file dialogue, which now appears, will require some input from you for Bilko to be able to open the file as a
recognizable image. Here is what you need to know to fill in the dialogue:
There is no header,
the number of pixels per row is 1000,
the number of rows is 1024,
the numerical format is 8-bit unsigned integer,
the data have not been byteswapped, and
there is only one band.
Fill in the dialogue using this information
(8K) )
In the Extract dialogue accept the defaults to open the entire image at full resolution.
When the image opens it is like a mirror view, with East and West swapped round. To correct this, choose View from the menu bar and select
Reflect > In X from the drop-down menus.
This image has already been filtered with a 8 x 8 mean filter to reduce speckle, so there is no need to apply any filters.
You may, however, like to try applying a Gaussian stretch:
Select the whole image ( [CTRL+A] ) using box selection.
Open the Stretch menu on the menu bar and select Gaussian stretch
If you find you would rather leave the image as it was, select Clear from the 'Stretch' menu.
Internal waves of depression and elevation
In this region two types of internal wave SAR signatures can be observed: Depression and elevation internal solitary waves (see
figure 1.3
In depression waves the surface convergence zone precedes the divergence zone,
so that we have a bright band first, followed by a dark band.
In elevation waves the surface divergence zone precedes the convergence zone,
so that we have a dark band first, followed by a bright band.
For more detailed information about these two types of internal wave SAR signatures, see
'Inversion of polarity in SAR signatures of internal waves'.
Knowing the propagation direction you can now use profiles across internal waves to determine what type of wave you are dealing with.
Draw a line using the 'Go To' dialogue ([CTRL+G]), with start position [940,255] and
selection size DX = -10 and DY = 10
(5K) ).
Note: It may be difficult to see this short transect if you have a Gaussian stretch
applied. If so, select 'Stretch' from the menu bar, followed by 'Clear' from the drop-down menu.
Open a new transect document based on this line (make sure the 'Apply stretches' box is unchecked),
and save it as profile1_iw.tsc.
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Question 1.
a) |
Knowing that the waves are travelling towards the coast (upwards in this image) which way is this propagation direction represented in the transect you just took?
b) |
What is the mean roughness value (grey-scale value) of this wave profile?
c) |
Looking at the position of the maximum (peak) and the minimum (trough) in this transect, and comparing it to
figure 1.3
(10K)), what type of internal wave would you say this is - depression or elevation?
d) |
What does this say about the position of the thermocline relative to the depth of the water at this point?
You will now select an internal wave profile from an area closer to the coast.
Draw a line using the 'Go To' dialouge ([CTRL+G]), with start position [801,13] and
selection size DX = -10 and DY = 14
Open a new transect document based on this line and save it as profile2_iw.tsc.
(Resizable pop-ups)
Answer 1
Answer 2
Back up to:
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Question 2.
a) |
By studying this profile in the light of what you now know, can you determine what type of signature it has?
b) |
Looking at the bathymetric map, can you explain why the two internal wave profiles may be different?
The two profiles you have looked at so far are both from the leading wave in the internal wave train.
However, if you have time, you may try other profiles from other wave packets, and perhaps include longer transects that contain more waves.
Try to select areas where the background roughness is relatively uniform, as this will give you a more reliable mean against which
to analyse the bright and dark bands of the internal wave signature (see
(8K) )
You will also find that it is easier to analyse the profile of a wave packet if your transect starts just ahead of the leading wave.
When you have finished, save anything you want to keep, and close all windows.