2. Histograms
atsr199701.gif atsr199801.gif Description
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(195 K)
Useful information:
Image data: A grid of pixels
Once you are happy with the way your histogram is displayed, you should save it:
Select Save from the File menu (keyboard shortcut: [CTRL+S] )
In the Save dialog give the histogram a name that allows you to find it alongside the image
to which it belongs, for instance atsr_199701_h1.
Histograms have the file extension .hst,
which will be added automatically on saving. This extension allows Bilko to recognise the file as a histogram.
Save the histogram again, this time with a different name, for instance atsr_199701_h2.
(This is simply to give it a different name, so that you can re-open the one you saved previously
without having to close the current display; the reason for this will be clear in a moment.)
Activity /Question 1
Re-open the histogram you just saved ( [CTRL+N] ).
If you can't see the file, this could be because the file type is not set to HISTOGRAMS in the Open dialog.
Minimise all files except the two histograms, and use the Tile option in the
Windows menu to place the two histograms side by side for comparison.
What are the main differences between the two displays?
Can you think of a reason for this?
(Resizable pop-ups)
Answer 1
Back up to:
At present the histogram cannot be saved as a figure (a graphic).
As with the image window and colour bar, you can only get a picture of the histogram as it looks in the Bilko window by using
[ALT] +[Print Screen].
This copies the whole Bilko window as a picture or bitmap, so that you can paste it into a picture editing program such as Photoshop.
You will then need to crop it before using it in reports or other documents.